Stress in the big city

Stress becomes a daily companion for residents of large cities. This is primarily due to the fact that the city has a huge flow of information, which the human nervous system is not able to cope with. In addition to the loads at work and at home, a person is faced with aggravating factors - urban noise, an abundance of people, visual and sound signals, advertising signs and others. In addition, heavily populated cities suffer from an abundance of traffic jams, traffic jams and many other similar problems.The physiology of stress stress in such circumstances is a justified reaction of the body to the negative impact of external factors of a big city. However, the human body is able to adapt to the environment and realize reserve reserves of strength in critical situations.When a person experiences stress, adrenal hormones - adrenaline and norepinephrine, begin to be intensively released into the blood. Their action improves blood supply to all organs, in particular the brain and heart. That is, the body at this time is maximally prepared to make a decision. Also, due to the effect of adrenaline on the body, glucose from the muscles is actively released into the blood, which gives additional energy to perform the necessary work.Modern stress, since man has significantly improved his living conditions since the development of civilization, stress has become a significant problem for the body. Despite the fact that the body still responds to the production of hormones, the human reaction to stress has changed significantly, since not everyone has the opportunity to work out stress with physical activity.The heart muscle gradually wears out from a rapid heartbeat, which contributes to the development of cardiovascular diseases, and an increased content of glucose in the blood leads to the development of diabetes mellitus in humans. Also, chronic stress reduces immunity, which leads to a frequent incidence of viral and acute respiratory infections.How to cope with stress in a big city?The most effective way to relieve nervous tension and minimize the negative impact of stress is to start exercising regularly. Physical activity will release adrenaline, directing it to the work of muscles. Therefore, if a person lives in the city and often faces stressful situations, doctors recommend signing up for a gym or regularly attending fitness classes.In addition, relaxation away from the city noise helps to relieve stress: on weekends, it is recommended to get out into nature more often.When a person begins to feel that stress is catching up with him, you can use natural sedatives. Tinctures of motherwort or valerian are highly effective. They do not harm the body, unlike other medications, and also calm the nervous system. With a little stress, as well as just in the summer, it is recommended to add a couple of mint leaves to tea - mint gently affects the body, strengthens sleep, relieves stress and has a good diuretic effect. En la actualidad y gracias a la tecnología, los casinos virtuales o casinos en línea se han popularizado en todos los países del mundo y la Argentina no es la excepción. Desde estos casinos en línea podés apostar en distintos juegos de casino a través de cualquier dispositivo con conexión a . Encontrá acá más información referente a lo más popular que existe actualmente en los casinos online en la Argentina. Hacé clic en el enlace para más información sobre cada tema relacionado con este mundo de los casinos en línea en el territorio argentino.